How often do you check in with yourself before starting the day? In our productivity-driven- world, being busy has become a celebrated way of life whereas, resting, and self compassion has taken a back seat. If you avoid checking in with yourself, over time you may feel disconnected from yourself which can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Here are some steps you can take to begin creating a good self-care routine and get on track to combatting that burnout!
1. Sleep
Missing out on those essential zz’s can take a real toll on our well-being. According to the National Sleep Foundation, it is recommended for adults to rest between 7 to 9 hours each night. A lack of sleep disrupts the circadian rhythm of the body; this affects not only our mental clarity but also hinders immune function. If you are struggling to get good, adequate sleep, try the following:
- drinking relaxing tea such chamomile, reishi
- soaking at-least for 20 mins in mineral salt bath
- listening to calming music
- engaging in reading a book, meditation
- avoid eating at least 2 hours before bed
- Staying away from technology at least one hour before bed
Stress can manifest itself physically! It can cause digestive distress, weight gain, irritability, illness and other negative side effects. By being mindful of what we put in our bodies it ensures we choose the best things to properly nourish ourselves. You can begin by integrating more whole foods, especially leafy greens. Our fresh smoothies and cold pressed juices are great options. supplementation like probiotics, vitamin D or medicinal mushrooms such as the Rainbo 11:11 extract to help modulate stress.
3. Physical Activity
Physical movement is necessary for better health. Exercise helps stimulate the lymphatic system to help remove waste and toxins from the body. It is also great for producing chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine - which contribute to improved mood, combat stress,boosting energy and helping to curb cravings. It’s been proven that aerobic exercises like dancing, walking, jogging, swimming, gardening, and cycling can improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression.
4. Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is a mindful practise that brings our body from a stressful state to a relaxed state, it helps to oxygenate and energise every cell in our body. When our body is more relaxed, it improves other body functions such as digestion, sleep, cell repair, and detoxification. Finding a moment in your day to take some slow deep breaths to give yourself a chance to recharge and re-center.
5. Stay Connected
It’s important to maintain social connections with people you love and trust. Human connection gives you a sense of belonging, confidence, and happiness. Take any opportunity to reach out to loved ones or strike up a conversation with a stranger!
Self-care has so many health benefits. It doesn’t have to be time consuming. Just make sure to take the time to do things you love and enjoy it everyday.
Written By Nidhi Desai, CNP Nidhi is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and a Metabolic Balance Coach. She graduated from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, Mississauga, ON. She strongly believes that one can heal if they are persistent and committed to change their eating habits, lifestyle, environment and of course by taking therapeutic supplements. Her focus now is to educate, support and guide her clients to reach and maintain their specific health goals.